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Sit-ups are bad.... big statment, find why I think so and what to do instead.
An injury is something I have been lucky to avoid for, most of my sporting career. Sure I had the odd niggle that I learned to manage, but I never had anything serious.
There is no question that knowledge, is important. But is there a point where we become so obsessed with obtaining that knowledge that we forget the most important part? You know, the bit where you actually have to get up and do something.
As we come to the close of the year I wanted to share a few of the things I have learnt from coaching in 2017.
Anyone ever went to bed, but for some reason just can't switch their brain off? You lie there for what seems like hours tossing and turning and the thought of that early alarm only adds to the anxiety?
I often hear people complaining about being sore after a workout. You have one school of thought that believes that if you are not sore then you haven't worked out hard enough.
Back squats have had a bad reputation amongst some people for a long time. You hear common complaints of squatting being bad for the knees and the lower back.
Cardio or "conditioning" as we coaches like to call it is a very powerful for fat loss when used in the right way at the right time.
Ever get stuck giving an exercise to a client and no matter what you did they just didn't get it? That awkward moment where you don't have anywhere to go and you are literally making it up on the spot? Yep, that's happened to me too.
At some point or another in an attempt to diet or be a little bit healthier most of us may have tried using a food journal. This task can be a right pain in the arse to do. It is time-consuming, inconvenient
Let's be honest, warming up before exercising can be a real pain in the arse. What do I actually need to do? Is it really that beneficial? Isn't this going to take up valuable workout time?
One of the simplest ways to exercise just about anywhere is to pick something heavy up and carry it somewhere. It doesn't matter if it is an odd shape, or the weight is unevenly distributed.
Some people love going to the gym. They live and breathe it. But what happens if you find the gym boring? Does that mean you can never get into the shape you want?
Spring is on the way and soon enough we will all be de-layering to a degree. I find April and May become one of the busiest periods leading up to the frantic pre-summer
My experiences from my 30-day trial. For disclosure, I paid for the service and they had no idea I was going to write this review. Neither did I until yesterday :-).
Most people make the assumption they can do most body weight exercises. Chin ups or pull ups are always one of the tough exercises for people of all ages
When I first started out, most of the nutrition advice was from either hardcore holistic guru's where everything had to be organic or bodybuilding coaches where it was all about meal frequency, macros and calories.
For most guys, some form of pushing is the most favoured exercise in the gym. The go to for most men is Bench Press, cable flyes or push ups.
What is probably one of the most underrated, but effective exercises for strengthening legs is the might split squat. There are many variations, but here are my top 3.
The heavier the weight you lift the more muscle fibres are recruited. The more muscle fibres that are recruited, the more energy is required to make it all happen.
Here are some shoulder exercises that you can do to help train your shoulder until it's pain-free, or even to keep it healthy and pain-free.
Have you ever found that when you needed to buy something and were not entirely sure what you wanted, how absolutely exhausting the process is?
Christmas and the New Year are just around the corner. This can also be both an immensely stressful and exciting time of year.